website(1,) Average Cost of New Kitchen Cabinets: 2024

Average Cost of New Kitchen Cabinets in 2024: Buyers Guide

Navigating Your Cabinetry Investment: From Budgeting to Final Selection

When it comes to refreshing the look of your kitchen or increasing its functionality, investing in new kitchen cabinets is often a wise decision.

They not only add to the storage capacity but significantly contribute to the aesthetic appeal of the space.

However, the cost of new cabinets can vary widely based on several factors, and understanding these can help in budgeting and making informed decisions. This guide aims to walk you through the various elements that affect the cost of new kitchen cabinets, ensuring you are well-informed before taking the plunge into your kitchen renovation project.

1. Understanding Your Needs and Preferences:

The first step towards a successful kitchen renovation involves a thorough understanding of your needs and preferences. This introspection lays the foundation for the decisions you'll make down the line and, ultimately, the satisfaction you'll derive from the finished project.

  • Kitchen Design: A paramount aspect to consider is the design of your kitchen. A well-thought-out design ensures optimal functionality and aesthetic appeal. The layout you choose should correspond to the size of your kitchen, allowing for efficient movement and accessibility while making a statement. Whether you prefer a modern, minimalist design or a more traditional, classic look, the design will play a significant role in determining the type and number of cabinets you'll need. Moreover, a well-designed kitchen can significantly increase the value of your home, making it a worthwhile investment.
  • Size of Your Kitchen: The size of the kitchen is a direct factor affecting the number of cabinets you'll need. A larger kitchen may require more cabinets for adequate storage, while a smaller kitchen might necessitate a more minimalist approach. Understanding the dimensions of your kitchen and planning accordingly is crucial for ensuring a balanced look and functional design. It's advisable to measure your kitchen accurately to get a clear picture of the space you have to work with.
  • Current Cabinets: Before rushing into buying new cabinets, evaluate the condition of your current old cabinets. If they are in decent shape, refacing them or changing the cabinet doors might be a more cost-effective solution. However, if they are old, damaged, or you desire a completely new look and functionality, a full cabinet replacement is the way to go. This assessment will help you allocate your budget effectively, ensuring that you spend where it's necessary and save where possible.

This phase of understanding your preferences and assessing the existing conditions is critical as it sets the stage for the decisions you will make in the subsequent stages of your renovation project. Each choice, from the kitchen layout to the decision to replace or reface your current cabinets, has financial implications that will influence the overall cost of your project.

2. Types of Kitchen Cabinets:

In the realm of kitchen renovations, the type of DIY Kitchen cabinets you select is paramount as it profoundly influences both the aesthetics and the budget of your project. The market offers a variety of cabinet types, each with its unique set of features and cost implications. However, with Better Kitchens, the narrative takes a favourable turn for homeowners.

  • Stock Cabinets: Typically, stock cabinets are known for their cost-effectiveness and standard sizes. They are a go-to option for those seeking a quick, budget-friendly refresh. However, the downside often lies in the limited design and size options, which may not suit every kitchen layout.

  • Semi-Custom Cabinets: Bridging the gap between stock and custom cabinets, semi-custom options offer a degree of personalisation. They provide a wider array of design choices and size variations compared to stock cabinets, allowing homeowners to achieve a more tailored look while keeping costs in check.

  • Custom-Made Cabinets: Traditionally, custom cabinetry have been the epitome of personalisation, crafted to the exact specifications of your kitchen. However, they come with a heftier price tag and a longer wait due to the bespoke design and manufacturing process.

The game changer here is the extensive range of kitchen unit types offered by Better Kitchens. With a vast selection exceeding 1000 unit types, incrementing by 50mm, the necessity for custom-made cabinets diminishes.

Every kitchen crafted by Better Kitchens is made to order, ensuring a perfect fit for every unique kitchen layout and design preference, without the prolonged wait or higher costs usually associated with custom-made units. This revolutionary approach amalgamates the benefits of customisation with the value and efficiency traditionally found in stock and semi-custom cabinets. 

The result is a tailored kitchen design, achieved effortlessly and within a reasonable budget, making Better Kitchens a preferred choice for modern homeowners.

3. Material Choices:

High Quality Kitchen cabinet specification from Better Kitchens
High Quality Kitchen cabinet specification from Better Kitchens

When considering a kitchen overhaul, one of the pivotal aspects to ponder is the cabinets. They not only offer essential storage solutions but significantly contribute to the overall aesthetic of your kitchen. Upgrading to new kitchen cabinets can indeed be a game-changer; however, understanding the associated costs is crucial. This guide navigates through various factors affecting the cost of new cabinets, aiding in making well-informed decisions for your renovation project.

  • Cabinet Construction:

    • Utilising 18mm Egger MFC for cabinet construction ensures a robust structure, providing a solid backbone to your kitchen storage solutions.
    • Incorporating 18mm Back Panels on all base units, further enhances the sturdiness, ensuring a base cabinet will withstand heavy kitchen worktops and the daily rigours of kitchen activities.
  • Door Materials:

    • A variety of materials are available for cabinet doors including Wood, MDF, and MFC, offering a spectrum of choices to meet different aesthetic and budgetary requirements.
    • Whether you prefer the classic charm of painted finishes or the modern sleekness of vinyl, the range of finishes caters to diverse tastes.
  • Solid Wood Doors:

    • For those with a preference for solid wood, doors with a veneered centre panel are available. This feature not only retains the classic appeal of solid wood but also adds a layer of stability, ensuring the doors remain in pristine condition over time.

With Better Kitchens, the breadth of material options accompanied by a palette of finishes ensures a harmonious blend of aesthetic elegance, functionality, and cost-effectiveness. The meticulously crafted cabinets are not only a visual delight but a long-term investment towards a functional and stylish kitchen.

4. Cost Factors:

Embarking on the journey of upgrading your kitchen cabinets entails financial considerations. Here are the principal factors:

What is the average cost of kitchen cabinets?

Considering the up-to-date pricing for 2024, budget-friendly kitchen units are estimated to be in the range of £40 to £90 for each base cabinet, and between £40 to £70 for each wall unit. If your budget is more flexible, opting for premium quality kitchen units like high-gloss or matt cabinets might be a consideration, which are typically priced at £90 to £150 per unit

  • Cabinet Type and Design:

    • The choice between stock, semi-custom, or custom cabinets significantly influences the kitchen cabinets cost. Custom designs, known for their exclusivity, often carry a higher price tag.
  • Number of Cabinets:

    • The overall cost is directly proportional to the number of cabinets you plan to install. It's essential to assess your storage needs and space availability to determine the right number of cabinets.
  • Material Type:

    • Material choices span from solid wood to MDF or MFC, each with its price range. Premium materials like solid wood are typically on the higher end of the cost spectrum.
  • Hardware and Features:

    • The hardware you choose, along with additional features like soft-close drawers and hinges, can also affect the cost.
  • Finish:

    • The finish on the cabinets, whether painted, vinyl, or wood veneer, also plays a part in determining the cost.
  • Installation Costs:

    • Professional installation ensures your cabinets are fitted correctly. The cost of professional installation will add to the overall cost.
  • Additional Customisations:

    • Any additional customisations, like unique cabinet features or add-ons, will also impact the total cost.

Taking time to investigate these cost factors, obtaining a comprehensive price quote, and understanding the average price range for different material and design options will equip you with the knowledge needed to budget accurately for your kitchen cabinet upgrade.

5. Getting a Price Estimate:

When it comes to budgeting for your new kitchen cabinets, obtaining a precise price estimate is pivotal. Here’s a step-by-step approach:

  • Online Quotation:

    • Begin by procuring an online quote to gauge the average cost of kitchen cabinets tailored to your preferences.
  • Personal Consultation:

    • Schedule a consultation to delve deeper into your requirements, discussing the kitchen layout, design preferences, and the size of your kitchen which impacts the number of cabinets needed.
  • Detailed Quotation:

    • Post-consultation, request a detailed quotation that breaks down the total cost, including the price of kitchen cabinets, materials chosen, and any additional custom kitchen cabinets.
  • Installation Costs:

    • Ensure the quotation encompasses the cost of professional cabinet installation. Engaging a professional cabinet installer ensures a seamless installation process, impacting the final price positively by avoiding errors.
  • Compare and Evaluate:

    • Compare the detailed quotation with your budget, evaluating where adjustments can be made if necessary. It might involve revisiting the type of cabinet, materials, or design to align with your budget.
  • Additional Costs:

    • Take into account any potential additional costs that might arise during the installation process or due to changes in the design or materials.
  • Final Review:

    • Conduct a final review of the quotation, ensuring all aspects of the kitchen cabinet costs have been covered, and you are comfortable with the budget before proceeding.

This structured approach to obtaining a price estimate ensures transparency and provides a clear understanding of the financial commitment involved, aiding in making well-informed decisions as you progress in your kitchen renovation journey.

6. Making an Informed Decision:

Undertaking a kitchen remodel is an exciting venture, however, it demands careful planning, especially when it comes to budgeting for new cabinets. Here's a structured approach to making an informed decision:

  • Research:

    • Start by researching different cabinet companies and the variety of materials and designs they offer. Understand the cabinet frames, cabinet boxes, and the type of material that suits your taste and budget.
  • Budgeting:

    • Establish a clear budget based on the quotations received. Account for the cost of new kitchen cabinets, cabinet installation, and any additional customisation like cabinet hardware.
  • Comparing Options:

    • Compare the offerings from different cabinet companies, evaluating the price range, quality, and variety. Look for the most affordable option that doesn’t compromise on quality.
  • Consulting Professionals:

    • Engage with a professional cabinet installer to discuss your kitchen layout and the type of cabinets that would suit your space. Their expertise can provide invaluable insights into making the most of your kitchen remodel.
  • Evaluating Kitchen Size:

    • Assess the size of your kitchen; a larger kitchen may require more cabinets, impacting the total cost. Likewise, medium kitchen or 10-foot kitchen layouts will have different cabinet requirements.
  • Reviewing Previous Work:

    • Look at the previous work done by the cabinet companies you are considering. Customer reviews and portfolio images can provide a glimpse into the quality and aesthetics of their cabinets.
  • Finalising Your Choice:

    • With all the information gathered, finalise your choice of cabinets. Ensure it aligns with your kitchen design, budget, and the overall home improvement goals you have set.

By meticulously evaluating all the factors and consulting with professionals, you can make an informed decision that will bring you a step closer to achieving a well-designed and functional kitchen, ensuring the investment in new cabinets enhances the aesthetic appeal and usability of your space.

7. Conclusion:

Investing in new kitchen cabinets is a significant step in your home renovation journey. The myriad of choices available in terms of cabinet type, material, and design can be overwhelming, but with a clear understanding of your kitchen's size, your design preferences, and a well-defined budget, you can navigate through the options effortlessly.

Ensuring you've considered the overall cost, including the price of the cabinets, installation, and additional customisations, will pave the way for a smooth renovation experience.

Your new cabinets will not only enhance the functionality of your kitchen but significantly contribute to the overall aesthetics, making your kitchen a delightful space for years to come.

Next Steps

Now that you're well-versed in the considerations and costs associated with new kitchen cabinets, the path to your dream kitchen is clearer.

The next step is to engage with professionals and start gathering quotes. Your aspiration of a modern, functional, and aesthetically pleasing kitchen is within reach.

Embark on this exciting renovation journey with Better Kitchens, your partner in crafting beautiful and practical kitchen spaces. Get in touch with Better Kitchens today and take a significant step towards making your dream kitchen a reality.

Happy renovating!

Ardene Stoneman 5 October, 2023
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